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Tips & Inspiration

Tips & Inspiration
We hope that you discover some fun, creative, and inspirational ideas to share with the people you love and care about.
Discover Love
Inspire and encourage those you know and love, for any reason, on any occasion and just because you care, and think of others. Sharing how much you care brings special meaning and fills the heart. It is the passion of Heaven Sent to touch and connect hearts.

What do I write?
Looking for somethig special to say inside your greeting card? We can help you. Knowing what to say to the special ones in your life is our specialty. We’ve got over one hunded cards for every situation and occasion that will help you.
Inspiration in the wake of Coronavirus
During this time of the pandemic it has revealed those who are committed, who care, are courageous and consumed with making a difference and helping others. Those people , “You “are our heroes that without you and your efforts we could not be this far along. Your efforts have been selfless and show the true value of who you are and how much you care. It is obvious that we can count on you and you can count on us to continue to lift you in our prayers and show acts of kindness and appreciation as often as we can. So from us to you this card is a start and a small example to say thank you and we appreciate you. Please feel free to share with others who are on the front line making a difference. It’s Heaven Sent Greeting Cards way of giving from our hearts.
Mother’s Day
Although Mother’s Day is reserved for once a year, it actually should be celebrated throughout the year. A mother can not be repaid for her sacrifices of love, time and support; and a work that’s never done.
A mother is special, she keeps on loving her children through their entire life; In spite of the fact that her role, not title, changes with time.
A mother never gives up on her children, walks away or turns her back; a mother is one that will stand for and with her children, defend them and give her all.
So why is Mothers Day special? Because mother’s are givers of life and often lay down their lives for their children, what greater love is that? So on this Mother’s Day show your love and appreciation with a unique card from Heaven Sent!